Awesome Table
Free friendly tables that can be used in dozens of different ways, and some of them more frequently than others. Add-ons especially built for Awesome Table automate the creation of these most frequent views. In just a few steps, you get nice template views for Awesome Table displaying all your collected data. Install, launch, set the parameters in a few clicks and that's it!
Awesome-Table Gallery - Awesome-Table Add-Ons - Awesome-Table Other Apps
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List Google Drive files displayed in a beautiful files cabinet
Files Cabinet add-on lets you select one of your Google Drive folders to list in a spreadsheet all files from this folder (and its subfolders). You can then display this list of files with Awesome Table, to get a nice file cabinet with different filters (filter by last update date, file owner,...).
The Geocode map tool is the solution for everyone looking for something better: Geocode is an add-on that helps geocoding addresses from a Google Sheet (ie, get longitude and latitude data from a list of physical addresses) and displays those locations on a map, using Google Maps. The map is populated with locations from the Sheet and itโs possible to filter and sort out those data within the view: the map will filter and display data in real time.
Automate validation process. Manage publication requests. Monitor multiple publication
Publication Workflow allows Managing Editors to create workflow in seconds to automate publication validation process. With a couple of clicks, set up publication's workflows based on simple requests submitted via a Form. All approvals are displayed in an Awesome Table view that can be customized.
adds filtering tools on this report, letting you quickly isolate and analyze subsets of your form answers.
Photo Gallery is the perfect tool to create in a few clicks a photo library with pictures from your Google Drive or a Google Photos album! Easy to use, Photo Gallery lets you choose a photo folder from your Drive or Google Photos, then gets all pictures listed in a spreadsheet, and finally creates automatically a nice photo library displayed in an Awesome Table view.
Pull images from a Google Photos album or a Drive folder to create a slideshow in Google Slides. Are you looking for an easy way to create a slideshow in Google Slides with images from a Google Photos album or a Drive folder? Photo Slideshow is the right tool for you! This is especially useful to display a beautiful photo album on any website, and in particular in Google Sites.
Create a nice slideshow / slider using Google Slides. The gadget Slideshow Maker allows you to embed a Google Docs Presentation into a Google Site. Regarding the layout you previsously set in your Google Presentation, the slideshow will display images or texts. You can easily design as many styles as your imagination is able to create.
Set up and organize email reminders from a Spreadsheet
List tasks in a Google Sheet and send automatic email notifications to any recipient before or after a task is due. When sticky notes donโt do the trick anymore, be it at home or at work, it can be very useful to manage a task list on a Google Spreadsheet. Especially if the to do list is used collaboratively.
The all-in-one add-on to manage registrations to multiple events
An all-in-one tool to manage registrations to a lot of events. Especially useful if you are organising trainings and want to let people register to the session they want.
You like Gmail but you feel limited when you want to write beautiful emails?
Create a nice newsletter thanks to the Google Sites WYSIWYG and send it by email.
The entire HTML is copied and sent by email along with the images (images are integrated in the email so they will always be shown, no need for your reader to click on "Display Images below").
Smoothly transfer Google Drive files from one account to another or make a copy of a list of folders and files. Google only allows transfer of ownership for people on the same Google Apps domain. This app creates a copy of all the selected documents from your previous Google account to your new one, recreates all the folders and organizes them as they should.
AwesomeDrive brings Microsoft Office to your Google Drive
No need to manually download your Office files nor to upload them after editing. Just one click to open and edit Office files from Google Drive. Works with Word, Excel and Powerpoint files
Inform users of all lastest changes on your site
So far, only owners and contributors can subscribe to Site changes in Google Sites. Use this tool to let Sites viewers subscribe by email to your site changes. You can also use this tool to send your Sites articles as Newsletters. 1)Select which parts of the site people can subscribe to 2) View the number of subscribers and their email addresses 3)Send short article snippets or choose to embed full articles in the emails
See a beautiful page on a Google Sites somewhere on the web? Use this tool to make a copy of the page and save it on one of your sites. You can then create a template out of it or just use this single copy.
An easy and time-saving authoring gadget to generate tests and quizzes
Install this Sheet add-on to create an MCQ test, automatically correct submissions and email each student his score and the correction. Multiple options available and easy set up!
A fully responsive video player using HTML5
This gadget is a video player to embed Youtube videos into a Google Sites. The player width and height automatically rescales to fit every sizes of screens : no more pillar boxes (black bars on the left and right), letter boxes (black bars at the top and bottom) or partly hidden videos on small screens!
Autoplay and subtitles options are available in the gadget settings.
The complete toolbox for handling Google Calendar events in batch
Google Calendar Toolbox allow you to modify event titles, copy/move/duplicate events, change their color or delete any number of events in your calendars.
Get data on how your resources are used
Are you using Google Calendar to manage resources (rooms, etc...)? Use this app to select a resource and get interesting statistics: utilization rate, when it is mostly used, and so on. This app can help you understand how people are using the resources, if you need to buy more of them (or get new rooms for meetings), what are your most-used resources,...
This mail merge tool is a simple solution to send personalized emails, newsletters or forms to multiple recipients without needing to know how to write HTML for your templates. YAMM is easy to use: simply select a draft written in Gmail and the add-on will replace the template tags with names or any other information from a spreadsheet, before automatically sending mass emails to a list of recipients. YAMM can be installed as long as you own a Google Account
The Online Book Store is a demo for filters positionned on the left side on an Awesome Table view. This is usefull to create user-friendly interfaces for e-shops, portfolios or photo galleries. When an item is selected, a description rolls up with a smooth effect. Also, the view is fully responsive on any device.
Create fully responsive catalogs for e-shops, portfolios or photo galleries to display data with a user-friendly interface. This example uses the responsive Cards view from Awesome Table features. When an item is selected, the card pops up to show more informations about the product.
Use Awesome Table to display data as Cards. Useful to create an App Store, a people directory (business cards view), or a movie library
Cards view with a slide up information layer.
Nice view to display titles, images and preview of articles in cards.
Use Awesome Table to create a basic map and display markers of different colors and sizes. It's an alternative to the Google Maps view, where you have more Maps features but where all markers look alike.
Display a Google Map and filter markers based on categories. Note that Google Maps can use either addresses or latitude + longitude data (coordinates - Lat-Long pairs). But it's preferable to use the second option (coordinates) as the first one (addresses) takes a veeeery long time to load
Display a filterable Gantt Chart / timeline inside Google Sites. Very useful for collaborative project sites
Build an advanced summary of responses using a dashboard with multiple charts and filter. The gadget will display charts & filters to let you do some easy data mining on your form results.
You can build a people directory to help your users find the right contact inside the company, a sites directory to list the most important Google Sites on your domain
display Questions and smoothly unfold Answers on click. The view is Material Design based and follow Google graphic standards
Use Awesome Table to display data as Cards. Useful to create an App Store, a people directory (business cards view),.
A view with the possibility for users to edit data. Awesome Table is mainly used to display data in multiple ways. But it can also be very useful to let your users edit the data displayed.
Display a searchable list of videos which can play directly inside the browser.